Sonic Attack

This is a trilogy of 7″ records of bands doing Hawkwind covers. I was first interested in it cos Mudhoney was doing one. The first song I ever recorded by Mudhoney was Sonic Infusion and it reminded me of Hawkwind, so I was interested in hearing them doing a real Hawkwind song.

I got these records in and the Mudhoney track was pretty good but sounded less like Hawkwind than I expected. The B side was Mugstar and it was also a decent cover, but nothing to write home about.

Then I played the Kinski/ Bardo Pond. I thought Kinski would be good cos they do that sort of thing, but I was disappointed because it was probably the worst cover of a Hawkwind song I’ve ever heard. I mean, the rhythm was way off and the recordings was squeaky clean. A real let down. BUT the Bardo Pond was fantastic! Blew my mind really and prepared me for record three which was Acid Mothers Temple/ White Hills.

Acid Mothers Temple was pretty cool but left me a bit flat, so i played it at 45rpm and it was super sweet.

How could I know that when I flipped the record over and played White Hills that my face would become dislodged and end up hanging on the wall behind me. Now THAT’s a Hawkwind cover!!!

Feral Children

Started tracking a new batch of Feral Children songs. Totally amazing and nearly indescribable which was the same feeling I had when recording Animal Collective. Although Feral C draws from completely different influences.

It’s tough when there is a disconnect between an “influence” and a “impression”, If I said this had a Twin Peaks influence, you might think that it SOUNDED like the Twin Peaks soundtrack. Of course you would be completely wrong. But if I said that this recording is impressed with the Twin Peaks soundtrack. well…you probably would think I’m a little off my rocker.




Colburn Home Sound

Dub Lab sent out a request for “home recordings” for a field recording festival in Los Angeles on Saturday, February 14th 2009.

I sent in a recording of a hail storm we had in Seattle just days before. The video is not much of a video but identifies the pieces and it is a really cool collage of interesting field recordings.


Just started a recording by Flowmotion. Sometimes it reminds me of Zappa, Sometimes it reminds me of the Neil Young. Sometimes it reminds me of Todd Rundgren. Sometimes it reminds of Steely Dan if it were recorded properly and the members weren’t arrogant pricks. Sometimes I can’t believe how great this band is.