Lot’s of stuff happened today. Check out the Vensaire video for “If” from Perdix.
Front End Credits!
Probably the first record that has my name on the FRONT cover!

Vensaire – Perdix goes GOLD!
Hey look! It’s my first GOLD RECORD! It’s the Vensaire – Perdix album. I bet if you wrote them a nice email they would sell you one.

Blut Aud Nord
More pretty Black Metal vinyl. This is the double 7″ by Blut Aus Nord which celebrates the 100th release on Debemur Morti Records. Sounds good at 33rpm and 45rpm!

New Profanatica vinyl is really pretty. The music is not.

PonyHomie of KCTS
PonyHomie is in the studio again today. Check out their cool segment from KCTS on PIE
MusicBox – Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit
Hey Everyone! It’s your girl MusicBox singing an acoustic version of Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit accompanied by R.L. Heyer. BTW this video was shot by my wife Jaye in our house on the 20th Anniversary of Kobain’s Death
MusicBox – Beyonce – XO
Hey Everyone! It’s your girl MusicBox singing an acoustic version of Beyonce’s XO accompanied by R.L. Heyer. BTW this video was shot by my wife Jaye in our house!
My 420th post
To celebrate 420, Junk went live on iTunes today! PS, I was the sound designer.

Vensaire in Spin Magazine
Spin Magazine suggests you stream the new Vensaire record! Looks like someone’s using 100% of their brain again.